Wednesday, May 10, 2017

'Drive' (2012): a Review

This is a review of Nicolas Winding Refn's 2011 neo noir crime thriller 'Drive' starring Ryan Gosling based on the 2005 novel by James Sallis

This film is a throwback in that the stars, and not the cars, are the humans and to my eye there are no cgi gimmicks to speak of. I won't get into the plot because that's been done here already but I will agree that the film and its star evoke the same tight, custom-fit, leather racing glove feel as McQueen's Bullit. And like McQueen's character in that film, Gossling in this one is as brooding, cool, and low-key.

There's a very brief (but unbelievable) car chase that gives a sly wink to Bullit involving a Mustang and a Chrysler, both newer models. This film does have its share of action but it fits the situations they erupt from. And when I say erupt I do mean that word literally. It's not wall to wall action but it is VIOLENT with a capital V and there's a big difference between the 2. But Drive is not the Fast and The Furious. It's not about the cars. It's about people and hard choices. But it's more than that even. It's not what it's about but how this film goes about it. Look, if your favorite film last year was the Smurfs or Scorpion King 3 you won't like this film. If you can appreciate a film on multiple levels, including story, acting, cinematography, action, etc, and if you liked such films as The American, A History of Violence, and Bullit, then you should have no problem with this film.

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